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Springfield, Greene County
Springfield is a city in Greene County, Missouri. The city is located at 37°12’32”N and 93°17’32”W. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city population was 165,378 persons. As of the last census, the median income for a household in the city was $36,107. Please visit the city page at my website and you’ll be able to see all real estate data and detailed Springfield statistics.
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Springfield, Greene County
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Sunshine Realtors LLC
1740 S Glenstone Ave, Suite D Springfield MO 65804
Sunshine Realtors is a collective of experienced professionals who specialize in foreclosures and first time buyers/investors. Our office is proud to also provide professionals who focus on lake property, horse/agricultural properties and empty nesters. We work as a team to provide outstanding service to our clients. Whether you are considering your 1st real estate purchase, up or down-sizing, or you are an experienced investor, let us put our highly experienced team to work for you.
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